Friends Of Faith (Local Ministries)


Sunday - 10AM Worship - Prayer | Wednesday - 7PM

friends of faith (partners of faith community church)

Ephesians 4 :11 And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, 12 for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, 13 till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; 

Faith Community Church promotes the Unity of The Faith by purposely walking in Covenant fellowship with other local ministries of like precious faith. 

Dr. Karren Todd

Pastor/Certified Professional Coach


Certified Life Coach/Marriage Counseling 

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Certified Life Coach/Marriage Counseling 

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Elder Ronnie Harris


Ronnie Harris Ministries

Greater Community Temple C.O.G.I.C. 

Memphis, TN 

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Ronnie Harris Ministries

Greater Community Temple C.O.G.I.C. 

Memphis, TN 

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Dr. Larry and Renee Smith


Dr. Larry and Renee Smith

Empowerment Of Faith Kingdom Center 

Memphis, TN 38133

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Dr. Larry and Renee Smith

Empowerment Of Faith Kingdom Center 

Memphis, TN 38133

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Prophet Ron Watkins


Ron Watkins Ministries

Nashville, TN 37027

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Ron Watkins Ministries

Nashville, TN 37027

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Reverend Gerald Reid


Jesus Christ Is The Son of God Ministries

Westland, Michigan 

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Jesus Christ Is The Son of God Ministries

Westland, Michigan 

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Elder Ricky Harris


Kingdom Seekers Ministries 

Trinity Prayer & Faith Ministries

4017 S Third St, Memphis, TN 38109 

(901) 785-1800

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Kingdom Seekers Ministries 

Trinity Prayer & Faith Ministries

4017 S Third St, Memphis, TN 38109 

(901) 785-1800

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Bishop PR and Mommalo Gibson


Victory In Emmanuel's Word Church, Inc. 

1444 E Shelby Drive #417, Memphis, TN 38116 

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Victory In Emmanuel's Word Church, Inc. 

1444 E Shelby Drive #417, Memphis, TN 38116 

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Pastor Anthony and Jeanette Holt


Reality In Life Ministries

1444 E Shelby Drive, #327

Memphis, TN 38116

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Reality In Life Ministries

1444 E Shelby Drive, #327

Memphis, TN 38116

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